New Episodes released on a schedule known as Super Slow Mo...

New Episodes released on a schedule known as Super Slow Mo...
Episodes displayed Newest to Oldest.
Click here to Enjoy SOL from the beginning. Just keep clicking NEWER POST at the bottom of each page.
Jay Blogs at The Thunder Echo Blog
And Sells Things at

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

SOL V2E9: Darkness

Darkness falls like a metaphor about...ummm...darkness...?

Darkness falls, but the Dark Knight Rises!
Silly Funnys do not come in a plastic egg.
You can only get them from Super Ordinary Living.

Friday, July 27, 2012

SOL V2E8: Corporate Responses

Corporate persons are at an evolutionary disadvantage, so it is up to us human persons to adapt to their juvenile limitations.  SOL presents, a Way of the World Guide to Interpreting Corporate Responses.  Today: Joy, Fear, Contentment, Anger, and Shame.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

SOL V2E7: Silly Funnys

Hey Kids!  Its a Paid Fake Advertisement!

Silly Funnys!  Who Knew It Was That Much Fun?
You can curse the darkness.  Or you can make light of things!

Hey, If you like Super Ordinary Living, you can get a print comic of my Comic Book anthology which includes a lot of SOL and other things: Turn On The Machine, The Web Comics of Jay Larsen.  I'll be selling them at GeekGirlCon 12 (LarsenGeekery Booth 307) or you can get one at my Etsy Store.